Monday, September 30, 2019

Art Explorations

When children are given the opportunity to explore with a material multiple times, in a variety of ways, they become more confident in using that material, and will often try different ways to use the material in question.  We often use art materials for repeated explorations, working to find the medium the children most enjoy using.  Repeated exposure gives children a chance to find the material which is best suited for their thinking.  Many artists feel more confident in using one medium, so we want children to be able to figure what they work best with.  

Since the beginning of the school year we have been taking our afternoons to do mini studies of different art mediums.  We can focus on one material more intently, rather than exploring too many too quickly.   We started with just crayons, paper, chalk, chalk boards in the atelier (our art studio) as these are materials the children may be familiar with.  We wait to introduce more to the atelier, until the children become more aware of how to use the materials appropriately, to represent their ideas.  Throughout the week, the children have five times (if not more) to use the same material, and experiment with the uses.  Children are encouraged to explore openly and share their ideas.  So far, we have explored collaging, paint, markers, scissors, and clay.  

While they are not quite confident in using the paint, and still have many skills to learn, this has been their favorite material.  We have used it with thin brushes, thick brushes, sponges, as well as our hands.  For children this age, painting is often a very sensory experience.  We like to touch the paint and occasionally taste it too!  We have been using paint in a different way almost every day.  Check out some of our fun explorations!

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