During January and February we introduced the Regie Rainbow program to the children in our classroom. This program, which is supported by the National Kidney Foundation, promotes healthy eating and life style habits (here is the link for more information
https://www.nkfm.org/regies-rainbow-adventure). Each week Regie visits a new island, starting with the Island of Red. He samples fruits and vegetables of each color, and practices some different exercises. Each week the children had the chance to sample their own fruit and vegetable from that color group. We had mixed reviews about some of the food, but the children really looked forward to testing the foods each week.
Here's a list of the foods we sampled
Week 1 (Island of Red) : cherry tomatoes and red peppers
Week 2 (Island of Orange): acorn squash and sweet potatoes
Week 3 (Island of Yellow): star fruit and spaghetti squash
Week 4 (Island of Green): kiwi and edamame
Week 5 (Island of Blue): cauliflower and black berries
Week 6 (Island of Purple): grapes and cabbage
Along with small tastes of the foods listed above, we also sampled many others and well! We tried plums, purple cauliflower, red kale, broccoli, pineapple, butternut squash, cantaloupe, and red pears just to name a few. While the children enjoyed sampling new foods, they were also learning many skills. The children were able to practice using knives (child safe of course) to cut up their own foods. We practiced math concepts when we made recipes like apple sauce. The children also furthered their vocabulary by using new words to describe the different foods. We look forward to exploring more with cooking and other types of foods!
Check out some of our favorite food moments below!
sampling some pineapple! Yum!
We noticed the seeds inside of the butternut squash. The children wanted to touch and smell them.
We love the broccoli! Little Trees the kids called it.
Sniffing the kale, before sampling. We used all of our senses!
Cutting pieces of cantaloupe, we found out the skin does not taste too great :)